• Fastify/5/Remove Done Callback

    This codemod updates fastify.register to use return instead of done, reflecting changes in Fastify v5 for asynchronous plugin registration.

  • Fastify/5/MigrationRecipe

    This recipe provides a set of codemods designed to assist with migrating to Fastify 5. Each codemod addresses specific changes and enhancements introduced in Fastify 5.

  • Fastify/5/Rename Logger To Logger Instance

    This codemod updates the Fastify logger configuration by renaming the logger option to loggerInstance, in line with Fastify v5 changes.

  • Fastify/5/Make Reply Trailer Async

    This codemod updates the reply.trailer method to use an async function for handling trailers, aligning with Fastify v5's support for asynchronous operations in trailers.

  • Fastify/5/Redirect Arg Order

    This codemod updates reply.redirect by placing the status code as the second argument, as per Fastify v5 conventions.

  • Fastify/5/Req Connection To Socket

    This codemod updates references from req.connection to req.socket, reflecting changes in Fastify v5's request handling.

  • Fastify/5/Route Schema Enhancement

    This codemod enhances the schema definition for query strings by converting it to the full object schema format, adding properties and required fields.

  • Reka Ui/Add Script Setup And Update Calendar Components

    Use prevPage/nextPage props for greater control.

  • Reka Ui/Radix Vue 1 Reka Ui Import Update

    The primary change in imports is replacing radix-vue with reka-ui.

  • Reka Ui/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Style Dictionary 4.

  • Node/22.8.0/Node Script Update To Experimental Test Coverage

    Node.js now supports requiring code coverage to meet a specific threshold before the process exits successfully. To use this feature, you need to enable the --experimental-test-coverage flag.

  • Meteor/V3/Mongo Db Async Methods

    This codemod updates synchronous MongoDB operations in a Meteor project to use their asynchronous counterparts, making the code compatible with modern JavaScript best practices (using async/await). It transforms methods such as find, findOne, insert, update, remove, and upsert to their asynchronous equivalents by appending Async to method names and introducing await.

  • Webpack/V5/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate webpack v4 to v5.

  • Svelte/5/Svelte Element Expression

    This codemod updates Svelte component definitions by transforming the this attribute in <svelte:element> tags:

  • Svelte/5/Server Api Changes

    This codemod updates Svelte component rendering:

  • Svelte/5/Is Where Scoping

    This codemod updates CSS handling in your project:

  • Svelte/5/Components As Functions Onfunction

    This codemod updates Svelte component instantiation and event handling for Svelte 5:

  • Svelte/5/Components As Functions Destroyfunction

    This codemod updates Svelte component instantiation and event handling for Svelte 5:

  • Svelte/5/Components As Functions

    In Svelte 3 and 4, components were classes, while in Svelte 5, components are functions. This codemod updates the instantiation of Svelte components to use mount or hydrate (imported from svelte), ensuring compatibility with Svelte 5's new functional component model.

  • Webpack/V5/Set Target To False And Update Plugins

    This codemod migrates the target property in Webpack configurations from a function to false and moves the function to the plugins array.