• Electron/V33/System Preferences To Native Theme

    This codemod deprecates systemPreferences.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency property, which is now deprecated in favor of the new nativeTheme.prefersReducedTransparency, which provides identical information and works cross-platform.

  • Webpack/V5/Set Target To False And Update Plugins

    This codemod migrates the target property in Webpack configurations from a function to false and moves the function to the plugins array.

  • Set Target To False And Update Plugins

    This codemod migrates the target property in Webpack configurations from a function to false and moves the function to the plugins array.

  • Webpack/V5/Json Imports To Default Imports

    This codemod migrates imports from JSON modules that use named exports to use default exports instead.

  • Three/R168/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to three r168 from three r167 .

  • Three/R168/Uniforms To Uniformarray

    This codemod renames uniforms() function, to uniformsArray()

  • Webpack/V5/Migrate Library Target To Library Object

    This codemod migrates the output.library and output.libraryTarget properties in Webpack configurations to the new format required by Webpack 5. It changes output.library to output.library.name and output.libraryTarget to output.library.type.

  • Vue/3/Async Component Prop Renaming

    Async Components Refactor

  • Remix Js/V2/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Remix.js v2.

  • Reka Ui V2/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Reka UI.

  • RekaUI V2/Radix To Reka Css And Data Attribute Replacement


    This codemod turns X into Y. It also does Z. Note: this is a contrived example. Please modify it.

  • Meteor/V3/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to meteor v3 from meteor 2.x .

  • Three/R168/Logluvloader To UltraHDRLoader

    This codemod removes LogLuvLoader, and replaces it with UltraHDRLoader

  • Socket.Io/4/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will fix some of Socket.io 4.0 breaking changes.

  • Socket.Io/4/Ws Engine Format Update

    This codemod when bundling the server with webpack will update the format of wsEngine to get the rid following error:

  • Socket.Io/4/Removing Useless Broadcast Flag

    This codemod will get rid of following error:

  • Python/Eliminate Async Io

    This codemod transforms an asynchronous Python code into synchronous code by removing or modifying specific async and await patterns.

  • I18n/23/Add Namespace Type Annotation

    Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.

  • I18n/23/I18next Replace Keyswithseparator With Joinkeys

    Renaming types or functions can be part of an effort to clarify the library's API, deprecate old functionality, or introduce new features. In this case, KeysWithSeparator has been renamed to JoinKeys. This means wherever KeysWithSeparator was used in the codebase, it needs to be replaced with JoinKeys.

  • I18n/23/Remove Options

    Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.