• Sql/Add Index Before Select

    Example of using codemod that changes SQL. It detects all SELECT statements and adds an index creation statement before them. Inside SELECT statement for any fields that ends with _id it creates an index on that field.

  • Nuxt/4/Template Compilation Changes

    This codemod removes lodash/template and related template utilities from Nuxt in favor of a more flexible and secure getContents() function for code generation in v3.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Recipe

    This codemod runs all of the Single Fetch codemods in order

  • Remix/2/Route Exports To Define Route

    This codemod adds a defineRoute({ action, loader, Component }) export to your routes and removes the old exports.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Replace Types

    This codemod replaces the UIMatch and MetaArgs types with UIMatch_SingleFetch and MetaArgs_SingleFetch

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Redirect To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's redirect() and redirectDocument() helper functions to take advantage of the new Single Fetch features.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/New Response To Response

    This codemod removes new Response() calls in actions and loaders and replaces them with mutations to the new response arg from Single Fetch.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Json To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's json() helper function to take advantage of the new Single Fetch features.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Include Typedef

    Adds the typings for Single Fetch to your tsconfig.json file.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Enable Install Globals Native Fetch

    Enables the nativeFetch flag in all instances of installGlobals

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Enable Flag

    Enables the single fetch flag in the Remix Vite config.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Defer To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's defer() helper as it is no longer needed in Single Fetch.

  • Valibot/Migrate To V0.31.0

    You can use Codemod to automatically update your code to the new API. See the migration guide for more details on the changes.

  • React/19/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will fix some of React 19 breaking changes.

  • Python/Orjson/Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will upgrade json to orjson in your python projects.

  • Nuxt/4/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Nuxt 4.

  • Next/13/App Router Recipe

    The App Router Recipe is a set of codemods that assist you with the pages-to-app migration process.

  • Netlify/0.8.5/Recipe

    The SDK v0.8.5 Recipe is a set of codemods that assist you with migrating to Netlify SDK v0.8.5.

  • Msw/2/Upgrade Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will upgrade your project from using msw v1 to v2.

  • Mocha/Vitest/Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will upgrade your project from using mocha to vitest.