• Fastify/5/MigrationRecipe

    This recipe provides a set of codemods designed to assist with migrating to Fastify 5. Each codemod addresses specific changes and enhancements introduced in Fastify 5.

  • Fastify/5/Rename Logger To Logger Instance

    This codemod updates the Fastify logger configuration by renaming the logger option to loggerInstance, in line with Fastify v5 changes.

  • Fastify/5/Decorate Request To Getter Method

    This codemod transforms fastify.decorateRequest with static objects into the new Fastify v5 pattern using a getter function.

  • Fastify/5/Add Expose Head Routes Option

    This codemod introduces the exposeHeadRoutes: false option to avoid automatic HEAD route exposure, while keeping manually defined HEAD routes intact.


  • Fastify/5/Replace Hardcoded Url In Hasroute

    This codemod highlights the shift in how routes with dynamic parameters should be referenced in fastify.hasRoute in Fastify v5.

  • MoveStateToChildComponent

    This codemod refactors React components by moving useState hooks from parent components to child components when the state and setter function (setState) are passed down as props. The goal is to simplify the parent components and allow child components to manage their own internal state when appropriate.

  • Reka Ui/Add Script Setup And Update Calendar Components

    Use prevPage/nextPage props for greater control.

  • Reka Ui/Radix Vue 1 Reka Ui Import Update

    The primary change in imports is replacing radix-vue with reka-ui.

  • Reka Ui/Radix To Reka Css And Data Attribute Replacement


    This codemod turns X into Y. It also does Z. Note: this is a contrived example. Please modify it.

  • Reka Ui/Combobox Root To Combobox Input

    Combobox has been refactored and improve to support better custom filtering

  • Reka Ui/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Style Dictionary 4.

  • Reka Ui/SearchTerm Props Of Root To Input'S V Model

    Replace searchTerm props of Root to Input's v-model.

  • Jasmine/V5/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to jasmine v5 from jasmine 4.x .

  • Jasmine/V5/Node Boot Removal

    This codemod remove node_boot.js as it is no longer supported in jasmin 5.0

  • Jasmine/V5/Handling Env Execute Callbacks

    This codemod migrates Env.execute callbacks to await.

  • Node/22.8.0/Vm Context Modifications Codemod

    Node.js implements a flavor of vm.createContext() and friends that creates a context without contextifying its global object when vm.constants.DONT_CONTEXTIFY is used. This is suitable when users want to freeze the context (impossible when the global is contextified i.e. has interceptors installed) or speed up the global access if they don't need the interceptor behavior.

  • Node/22.8.0/Node Script Update To Experimental Test Coverage

    Node.js now supports requiring code coverage to meet a specific threshold before the process exits successfully. To use this feature, you need to enable the --experimental-test-coverage flag.

  • Node/22.8.0/Node Script Start Watch Upgrade

    Starts Node.js in watch mode. When in watch mode, changes in the watched files cause the Node.js process to restart. By default, watch mode will watch the entry point and any required or imported module. Use --watch-path to specify what paths to watch

  • Node/22.8.0/Dotenv To Env File Migration

    Loads environment variables from a file relative to the current directory, making them available to applications on process.env. The environment variables which configure Node.js, such as NODE_OPTIONS, are parsed and applied. If the same variable is defined in the environment and in the file, the value from the environment takes precedence.

  • Node/22.8.0/Enable Compile Cache In Start Server

    This release adds a new API module.enableCompileCache() that can be used to enable on-disk code caching of all modules loaded after this API is called. Previously this could only be enabled by the NODE_COMPILE_CACHE environment variable, so it could only set by end-users. This API allows tooling and library authors to enable caching of their own code. This is a built-in alternative to the v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache-lib packages, but have better performance and supports ESM.