• Fastify/5/MigrationRecipe

    This recipe provides a set of codemods designed to assist with migrating to Fastify 5. Each codemod addresses specific changes and enhancements introduced in Fastify 5.

  • Fastify/5/Replace Hardcoded Url In Hasroute

    This codemod highlights the shift in how routes with dynamic parameters should be referenced in fastify.hasRoute in Fastify v5.

  • Meteor/V3/Add Await To Async Webapp Methods

    Below are some webapp methods which are now async, thats why added await

  • Ethers/6/Utilities

    This codemod does tranformation based on changes in the utils in ethers.js

  • Ethers/6/Providers

    In addition to all the ethers.providers.* being moved to ethers.*, the biggest change developers need to keep in mind is that Web3Provider (which historically was used to wrap link-web3 providers) is now called BrowserProvider which is designed to wrap EIP-1193 providers, which is the standard that both modern Web3.js and injected providers offer.

  • Fastify/4/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Fastify 4.

  • Fastify/4/Url Params Optional

    This codemod declares the optional parameters explicitly.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Replace Types

    This codemod replaces the UIMatch and MetaArgs types with UIMatch_SingleFetch and MetaArgs_SingleFetch

  • Remix/Single Fetch/New Response To Response

    This codemod removes new Response() calls in actions and loaders and replaces them with mutations to the new response arg from Single Fetch.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Json To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's json() helper function to take advantage of the new Single Fetch features.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Defer To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's defer() helper as it is no longer needed in Single Fetch.

  • Msw/2/Upgrade Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will upgrade your project from using msw v1 to v2.

  • Msw/2/Type Args

    There is a change to generic type interface of rest.method() calls. This codemod puts the generic arguments in the correct order to keep type safety.

  • Msw/2/Request Changes

    Following the original msw upgrade guide, the signature of the request handler have changed. Some of the parameters have changed their type, some widely used objects are available directly on the callback argument object for convenience. Following changes are applied by this codemod:

  • Msw/2/Callback Signature

    Following the original msw upgrade guide, the signature of the request handler have changed. This codemod hard replaces the callback signature to the new one and cleans up unused variables.

  • Codemod Com/Update Git Urls

    This codemod backfills git urls for all of the Codemod.com codemods.

  • Generate Url Patterns

    This codemod generates URL Patterns for all existing paths under the apps router to be placed in the middleware file that controls which pages are active.

  • Bull/Bullmq

    This codemod provides straightforward changes to migrate from bull to bullmq. You have to manually create queue names for the existing queues in your application. You need to apply these names for the created workers in the files which previously used .process(). You will have to manually specify connection details if you used createClient method on new Queue() options before. Connection details should now also be specified for and Worker classes.

  • Axios/Fetch

    Migrate from axios to fetch.