• Remix Js/V2/Remix Run 1 Use Transition To Use Navigation

    This hook is now called useNavigation to avoid confusion with the recent React hook by the same name. It also no longer has the type field and flattens the submission object into the navigation object itself.

  • Remix Js/V2/Fetcher Submission Properties Flattening

    Like useNavigation, useFetcher has flattened the submission and removed the type field.

  • Vue 3 Update Navigation Menu Link Emits And Handle Click

    When using NavigationMenuLink together with NuxtLink according to the documentation the menu does not dismiss when clicking on a link.

  • Next/13/Replace Use Search Params

    A recent update in Next.js brought a breaking change: the useSearchParams hook no longer includes params. To ease the migration, the new useCompatSearchParams hook can be used. This hook mimics the behavior of the old useSearchParams in two ways:

  • Next/13/Replace Next Router

    Since Next.js 13.4, you can use the following hooks from the next/navigation module:

  • Next/13/Remove Get Static Props

    The following data fetching methods are no longer available in the app directory: