• Webpack/V5/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate webpack v4 to v5.

  • Webpack/V5/Json Imports To Default Imports

    This codemod migrates imports from JSON modules that use named exports to use default exports instead.

  • I18n/23/Remove Options

    Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.

  • Valtio/V2/Use Snapshot Migration

    This codemod automates the migration of Valtio code to accommodate changes in the behavior of useSnapshot(). In recent updates, useSnapshot() has been modified for better compatibility with useMemo and the upcoming React compiler. This codemod updates your code to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with these changes.

  • Ethers/6/Utilities

    This codemod does tranformation based on changes in the utils in ethers.js

  • Ethers/6/Providers

    In addition to all the ethers.providers.* being moved to ethers.*, the biggest change developers need to keep in mind is that Web3Provider (which historically was used to wrap link-web3 providers) is now called BrowserProvider which is designed to wrap EIP-1193 providers, which is the standard that both modern Web3.js and injected providers offer.

  • Fetch To Ky

    This codemod is designed to help you migrate your existing codebase from using the native fetch API to the more concise and convenient ky HTTP client library. By running this codemod, you can automatically update your code to leverage ky's features, such as simpler syntax for common use cases like JSON requests and responses.

  • Npm Esm First In Exports

    Sort package.json export order to prefer ESM over CJS

  • @E18e/Is Npm


  • Remix/Single Fetch/Recipe

    This codemod runs all of the Single Fetch codemods in order

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Replace Types

    This codemod replaces the UIMatch and MetaArgs types with UIMatch_SingleFetch and MetaArgs_SingleFetch

  • Remix/Single Fetch/New Response To Response

    This codemod removes new Response() calls in actions and loaders and replaces them with mutations to the new response arg from Single Fetch.