• Meteor/V3/Mongo Db Async Methods

    This codemod updates synchronous MongoDB operations in a Meteor project to use their asynchronous counterparts, making the code compatible with modern JavaScript best practices (using async/await). It transforms methods such as find, findOne, insert, update, remove, and upsert to their asynchronous equivalents by appending Async to method names and introducing await.

  • Remix Js/V2/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to Remix.js v2.

  • Meteor/V3/React To Meteor

    This codemod helps in transforming react to meteor

  • Remix Js/V2/Fetcher Submission Properties Flattening

    Like useNavigation, useFetcher has flattened the submission and removed the type field.

  • Next/15/Update Fetch Requests To Handle Caching

    Update Fetch Requests to Handle Caching

  • Next/15/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to next 15.

  • Meteor/V3/Call Async

    This codemod replaces call with callAsync, since thats how meteor works with calls now.

  • Valtio/V2/Use Snapshot Migration

    This codemod automates the migration of Valtio code to accommodate changes in the behavior of useSnapshot(). In recent updates, useSnapshot() has been modified for better compatibility with useMemo and the upcoming React compiler. This codemod updates your code to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with these changes.

  • TanStackRouter CodeSplitting

    This codemod automates the process of splitting your TanStack Router route files into two separate files to enable code splitting. By utilizing this codemod, you can easily move non-critical route configuration, such as the component, into a separate .lazy.tsx file, which allows for better performance and reduced initial load time in your React application.

  • Ethers/6/Utilities

    This codemod does tranformation based on changes in the utils in ethers.js

  • Fetch To Ky

    This codemod is designed to help you migrate your existing codebase from using the native fetch API to the more concise and convenient ky HTTP client library. By running this codemod, you can automatically update your code to leverage ky's features, such as simpler syntax for common use cases like JSON requests and responses.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Recipe

    This codemod runs all of the Single Fetch codemods in order

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Replace Types

    This codemod replaces the UIMatch and MetaArgs types with UIMatch_SingleFetch and MetaArgs_SingleFetch

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Redirect To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's redirect() and redirectDocument() helper functions to take advantage of the new Single Fetch features.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/New Response To Response

    This codemod removes new Response() calls in actions and loaders and replaces them with mutations to the new response arg from Single Fetch.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Json To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's json() helper function to take advantage of the new Single Fetch features.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Include Typedef

    Adds the typings for Single Fetch to your tsconfig.json file.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Enable Install Globals Native Fetch

    Enables the nativeFetch flag in all instances of installGlobals

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Enable Flag

    Enables the single fetch flag in the Remix Vite config.

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Defer To Response

    This codemod removes Remix's defer() helper as it is no longer needed in Single Fetch.