• Meteor/V3/Update React

    This codemod helps in transforming react to meteor

  • Reka Ui/Update Css And Data Attributes


    This codemod turns X into Y. It also does Z. Note: this is a contrived example. Please modify it.

  • Webpack/V5/Json Imports To Default Imports

    This codemod migrates imports from JSON modules that use named exports to use default exports instead.

  • Remix Js/V2/Remix Run 1 Use Transition To Use Navigation

    This hook is now called useNavigation to avoid confusion with the recent React hook by the same name. It also no longer has the type field and flattens the submission object into the navigation object itself.

  • Remix Js/V2/Remix 1 Use Route Error Codemod

    In v1, a thrown Response rendered the closest CatchBoundary while all other unhandled exceptions rendered the ErrorBoundary. In v2 there is no CatchBoundary and all unhandled exceptions will render the ErrorBoundary, response or otherwise.

  • Remix Js/V2/Fetcher Submission Properties Flattening

    Like useNavigation, useFetcher has flattened the submission and removed the type field.

  • Remix Js/V2/Add Matches Param And Array Return To Meta Export

    Instead of returning an object from meta, you will now return an array of descriptors and manage the merge yourself. This brings the meta API closer to links, and it allows for more flexibility and control over how meta tags are rendered.

  • Next/15/Update Fetch Requests To Handle Caching

    Update Fetch Requests to Handle Caching

  • Meteor/V3/Call Async

    This codemod replaces call with callAsync, since thats how meteor works with calls now.

  • Valtio/V2/Migration Recipe

    This recipe provides a collection of codemods to help you migrate your codebase to Valtio v2. These codemods are designed to streamline the transition process by automating common code transformations due to behavioral changes in Valtio v2.

  • Valtio/V2/Use Snapshot Migration

    This codemod automates the migration of Valtio code to accommodate changes in the behavior of useSnapshot(). In recent updates, useSnapshot() has been modified for better compatibility with useMemo and the upcoming React compiler. This codemod updates your code to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with these changes.

  • Ethers/6/Utilities

    This codemod does tranformation based on changes in the utils in ethers.js

  • Ethers/6/Providers

    In addition to all the ethers.providers.* being moved to ethers.*, the biggest change developers need to keep in mind is that Web3Provider (which historically was used to wrap link-web3 providers) is now called BrowserProvider which is designed to wrap EIP-1193 providers, which is the standard that both modern Web3.js and injected providers offer.

  • Vue 3 Update Navigation Menu Link Emits And Handle Click

    When using NavigationMenuLink together with NuxtLink according to the documentation the menu does not dismiss when clicking on a link.

  • Jest Add Root And Assertions To Test

    Added Input Root Test Cases to which handle the data disabled case

  • NextAuth/4/UseSession Array To Object Destructuring

    The useSession hook has been updated to return an object. This allows you to test states much more cleanly with the new status option.

  • React/Render To Readable Stream

    Refactor renderToReadableStream call expressions to use a combined object argument

  • @E18e/Md5
