• Fastify/5/Listen Arg Transformation

    This codemod turns fastify.listen(8000) into fastify.listen({ port: 8000 }), reflecting the highlights of the migration from the old listen method signature to the new object-based approach in Fastify v5.


  • Node/22.8.0/Vm Context Modifications Codemod

    Node.js implements a flavor of vm.createContext() and friends that creates a context without contextifying its global object when vm.constants.DONT_CONTEXTIFY is used. This is suitable when users want to freeze the context (impossible when the global is contextified i.e. has interceptors installed) or speed up the global access if they don't need the interceptor behavior.

  • Node/22.8.0/Node Script Update To Experimental Test Coverage

    Node.js now supports requiring code coverage to meet a specific threshold before the process exits successfully. To use this feature, you need to enable the --experimental-test-coverage flag.

  • Node/22.8.0/Node Script Start Watch Upgrade

    Starts Node.js in watch mode. When in watch mode, changes in the watched files cause the Node.js process to restart. By default, watch mode will watch the entry point and any required or imported module. Use --watch-path to specify what paths to watch

  • Node/22.8.0/Dotenv To Env File Migration

    Loads environment variables from a file relative to the current directory, making them available to applications on process.env. The environment variables which configure Node.js, such as NODE_OPTIONS, are parsed and applied. If the same variable is defined in the environment and in the file, the value from the environment takes precedence.

  • Node/22.8.0/Enable Compile Cache In Start Server

    This release adds a new API module.enableCompileCache() that can be used to enable on-disk code caching of all modules loaded after this API is called. Previously this could only be enabled by the NODE_COMPILE_CACHE environment variable, so it could only set by end-users. This API allows tooling and library authors to enable caching of their own code. This is a built-in alternative to the v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache-lib packages, but have better performance and supports ESM.

  • Three/R168/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to three r168 from three r167 .

  • Three/R168/Uniforms To Uniformarray

    This codemod renames uniforms() function, to uniformsArray()

  • Three/R168/Logluvloader To UltraHDRLoader

    This codemod removes LogLuvLoader, and replaces it with UltraHDRLoader

  • I18n/23/Add Namespace Type Annotation

    Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.

  • I18n/23/I18next Replace Keyswithseparator With Joinkeys

    Renaming types or functions can be part of an effort to clarify the library's API, deprecate old functionality, or introduce new features. In this case, KeysWithSeparator has been renamed to JoinKeys. This means wherever KeysWithSeparator was used in the codebase, it needs to be replaced with JoinKeys.

  • I18n/23/Remove Options

    Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.

  • Three/R168/Pointerlockcontrols Object To Controls Object

    This codemod helps in transforming PointerLockControls.getObject() to controls.object

  • Remix Js/V2/Webpack V2 Migrate Dev Server Port

    In your remix.config.js, rename devServerPort to future.v2_dev.port.

  • Remix Js/V2/Add Matches Param And Array Return To Meta Export

    Instead of returning an object from meta, you will now return an array of descriptors and manage the merge yourself. This brings the meta API closer to links, and it allows for more flexibility and control over how meta tags are rendered.

  • Three/R168/Dragcontrols Getraycaster To Controls Raycaster

    This codemod renames DragControls.getRaycaster() to controls.raycaster

  • Three/R168/Dragcontrols.Deactivate To Disconnect

    This codemod renames dragcontrols.deactivate() to disconnect()

  • Three/R168/Dragcontrols.Activate To Connect

    This codemod renames dragcontrols.activate() to connect().

  • Gatsby/V5/Removal UseNavigate Hook

    Removal of useNavigate Hook