• Fastify/5/Remove Done Callback

    This codemod updates fastify.register to use return instead of done, reflecting changes in Fastify v5 for asynchronous plugin registration.

  • Fastify/5/MigrationRecipe

    This recipe provides a set of codemods designed to assist with migrating to Fastify 5. Each codemod addresses specific changes and enhancements introduced in Fastify 5.

  • Fastify/5/Rename Logger To Logger Instance

    This codemod updates the Fastify logger configuration by renaming the logger option to loggerInstance, in line with Fastify v5 changes.

  • Fastify/5/Make Reply Trailer Async

    This codemod updates the reply.trailer method to use an async function for handling trailers, aligning with Fastify v5's support for asynchronous operations in trailers.

  • Fastify/5/Redirect Arg Order

    This codemod updates reply.redirect by placing the status code as the second argument, as per Fastify v5 conventions.

  • Fastify/5/GetResponseTime To ElapsedTime

    This codemod converts reply.getResponseTime() to reply.elapsedTime, reflecting changes in Fastify v5 for retrieving response time.

  • Fastify/5/Req Connection To Socket

    This codemod updates references from req.connection to req.socket, reflecting changes in Fastify v5's request handling.

  • Fastify/5/Route Schema Enhancement

    This codemod enhances the schema definition for query strings by converting it to the full object schema format, adding properties and required fields.

  • Fastify/5/Decorate Request To Getter Method

    This codemod transforms fastify.decorateRequest with static objects into the new Fastify v5 pattern using a getter function.

  • Fastify/5/Add Expose Head Routes Option

    This codemod introduces the exposeHeadRoutes: false option to avoid automatic HEAD route exposure, while keeping manually defined HEAD routes intact.


  • Fastify/5/Replace Reply Sent With Hijack

    This codemod turns reply.sent = true into reply.hijack(), updating to the new Fastify v5 method for handling manual responses.

  • Fastify/5/Replace Hardcoded Url In Hasroute

    This codemod highlights the shift in how routes with dynamic parameters should be referenced in fastify.hasRoute in Fastify v5.

  • Fastify/5/Listen Arg Transformation

    This codemod turns fastify.listen(8000) into fastify.listen({ port: 8000 }), reflecting the highlights of the migration from the old listen method signature to the new object-based approach in Fastify v5.


  • Fastify/5/Req Params HasOwnProperty To ObjectHasOwn

    This codemod turns req.params.hasOwnProperty('name') into Object.hasOwn(req.params, 'name'), reflecting the new Fastify v5 approach to property checking.

  • MoveStateToChildComponent

    This codemod refactors React components by moving useState hooks from parent components to child components when the state and setter function (setState) are passed down as props. The goal is to simplify the parent components and allow child components to manage their own internal state when appropriate.

  • Meteor/V3/Mongo Db Async Methods

    This codemod updates synchronous MongoDB operations in a Meteor project to use their asynchronous counterparts, making the code compatible with modern JavaScript best practices (using async/await). It transforms methods such as find, findOne, insert, update, remove, and upsert to their asynchronous equivalents by appending Async to method names and introducing await.

  • Meteor/V3/Api Rename Express Migration

    This codemod automates the process of updating API names from Connect to Express in your project. The codemod is specifically designed to align your codebase with the new naming conventions introduced after switching from Connect to Express in Meteor 3.0.

  • Valtio/V2/Migration Recipe

    This recipe provides a collection of codemods to help you migrate your codebase to Valtio v2. These codemods are designed to streamline the transition process by automating common code transformations due to behavioral changes in Valtio v2.

  • Valtio/V2/Use Snapshot Migration

    This codemod automates the migration of Valtio code to accommodate changes in the behavior of useSnapshot(). In recent updates, useSnapshot() has been modified for better compatibility with useMemo and the upcoming React compiler. This codemod updates your code to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with these changes.

  • Valtio/V2/Deep Clone Proxy Objects

    In Valtio v2, the behavior of the proxy(obj) function has changed. In v1, proxy(obj) was a pure function that deeply copied the object obj. In v2, proxy(obj) is an impure function that deeply modifies obj. This codemod updates your code to accommodate these changes by incorporating deepClone to ensure that objects are deeply copied as they were in v1.